Management and self-confidence

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Develop your confidence and emotions to succeed in your management

Thanks to this training, you will be able to manage a team by managing your emotions and by having confidence in yourself. You will gain in efficiency! It will also allow you to evaluate your practices to reach a new level of performance. It validates operational management skills in a context of change: supporting employees on a daily basis, leading meetings, managing conflicts and reframing, both face to face and remotely.


- Personal diagnosis: getting to know yourself, your skills/qualities/defects.
-Increase your potential and recognize your strengths.
-Increase your credibility and assertiveness.
-Learn to speak in front of an audience & make decisions: Dare to challenge yourself!
-Develop your emotional intelligence.
-Managing emotions in the face of others and the unexpected.
- Active verbal and non-verbalcommunication: learning to listen to yourself and others.
-Managing in difficult situations
-Defining a personal assessment: understanding yourself, understanding how you are perceived and accepting yourself.

The program will be adjusted according to identified needs.


Develop your confidence

As well as your ability to manage difficult situations through the management of your emotions.

Engage all types of challenge and contingency
You'll be able to mobilize your resources effectively and improve their performance.

Gain in efficiency
Gain self-confidence and manage your emotions more effectively to boost your efficiency.

Participant evaluation (NPS = Net Promoter Score) - average over the last two years:

  • Very Good-Excellent rating: 85%.
  • NPS : 79


Validated skills

Thanks to this training, you will be able to manage a team by managing your emotions and by having confidence in yourself. You will gain in efficiency! It will also allow you to evaluate your practices to reach a new level of performance. It validates operational management skills in a context of change: supporting employees on a daily basis, leading meetings, managing conflicts and reframing, both face to face and remotely.

Validated skills:

  • Manage your emotions and increase your self-confidence.
  • Become aware of your personal and professional resources.
  • Develop your assets.
  • Engage and mobilize your employees.
  • Set and monitor goals.
  • Effectively manage a team.
  • Tackle difficult discussions.
  • Manage remote teams.
  • Accompany the change.
  • Take a position of leader and manager coach.



The course leads to certification:
"Performance Management (CP-FFP)" which aims to enable you to acquire the fundamentals of management and human resources management, assert yourself and develop a leadership posture, manage multicultural teams and remote teams as well as manage employees and difficult cases. This certification is recognized by the CP-FFP, but not by France Compétences.


Target audience and pre-requisites: this training course is intended for operational business people who have to perform managerial functions in a context of change. A minimum of 2 years of professional experience is also required.

How to access: contact us by phone or via the contact form, an interview will be carried out with one of our advisors during your registration to validate that the training is adapted to your needs. Following the interview, we will decide on the training dates.

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Accessibility for people with disabilities: online or face-to-face PMR-accessible program. Give us a call so that we can guide you according to your disability.

Olivier Jacob, disability consultant: 0147203146 -

Learn in a fun way with film clips

Unite your team: Hoosiers

The coach gathers his team in the locker room and tries to mobilize them towards team spirit. He does not hesitate to lose so that the team values are respected

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