How does it work?

Financing by the CPF

What is the personal training account (CPF)? In France, the personal training account (CPF) is a public financing system for continuing education. The CPF is aimed at ...

Financing Pole emploi

Our training courses are eligible for financing by Pôle emploi

If you are looking for a job and are registered with Pôle emploi, you may be granted assistance to finance your training.

To do this, you must ask your employment advisor. You can make a request directly on your CPF account.

You can also contact us so that we can accompany you in your steps.

Select Your Training Program

Our trainings are high level, captivating, and directly address the objectives of our participants.

Each course meets three criteria that we consider essential:

  • Provide personalized and concrete answers to your problems
  • Encourage rapid implementation with simple tools and exercises
  • Include film clips and fun activities to make the course enjoyable
  • Automotive and transportation
  • Banking and insurance
  • Consulting and services
  • Distribution
  • Hotel and restaurant industry
  • Industry and telecom
  • Public and parapublic