Sales negotiation

Discover all the secrets of customer relations

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Your business, your company or your project depends on your customers. That's why developing and maintaining your customer relationship is crucial. Let's discover together the secrets to develop your business thanks to your customer relationship! The relationships we have with our customers, will help us to develop an important relational heritage, it is thanks to these relationships that later you will be able to develop your business. 

Several points to develop its customer relationship:  

  • Be interested in both the client's business and in him. Always be informed, see if you can bring a different angle, a point of view. Make sure you communicate that with them. 
  • Ask clients for regular feedback to develop the relationship, for example: how is the relationship going, how is the mission going from this point of view, do they have any advice for us? 
  • To make a regular point with its customer on all its projects in the form of radar. This point is used to know everything he is doing and possibly what the competition is doing. This allows you to be more efficient in your mission but also to identify potential opportunities. 
  • Invite his client to spend extra mission moments, such as lunch, coffee. With Covid 19's current situation, you can simply invite him to events like webinars on topics that might interest him. This allows you to get to know him better on a personal level. 
  • Better help him in the development of his career, introduce him to someone who could help him in his projects, his career, he will be grateful and will know how to repay you in due time. 
  • Be his confidant, help him a bit like a coach, but a frank coach. You have to be able to be credible, while remaining frank, you have to have a balanced dialogue between equals. 

Why maintain the relationship with your customers? 

Maintaining a relationship with your clients is essential for long-term planning. To build client loyalty, you must solicit your client even outside the framework of the mission, which allows you to measure your investment and identify areas of risk or opportunity. Keeping your clients over the long term shows that you are a trustworthy person and that you provide a quality service. It is also important to constantly improve, which is why you should regularly ask for feedback from your clients. 

You are an expert operating in professional services and you do not feel comfortable prospecting for new clients.

In this book, with a preface by Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of the Edenred group, you will find numerous illustrations and practical information sheets drawn from the concrete experience of specialists who have successfully developed their prospect portfolio.

You will also learn how to make yourself happy by developing new contacts at all levels in organizations.

How to target key contacts in your prospects? How to approach them? Through which channel? How do you stand out? What creative solutions should you use? How to interest your interlocutors in your subjects ? Which marketing to set up on the web ?

Here you will find answers to all these key questions to develop your business or practice as well as methodological elements for immediate implementation.

Price kindle format: 9,99€
Price paperback: 19,50

Number of pages: 188
Author: Olivier Jacob
Preface: Bertrand Dumazy