To be noticed by new contacts while they are receiving numerous solicitations, take care of the structure of your mailing.
The mailing or sending of mass e-mails to many recipients shows low rates of concretization. Some service providers can offer you to entrust them with the realization and sending of mailings on a base that they have developed. On average, they manage to obtain completion rates of around 0.4 to 1 per thousand. If you offer value-added content and an engaging structure, you can significantly improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.
Structure your letter around the interlocutor's concerns in order to interest him/her. For example, you can use the following framework:
You, us, you+us.
This presentation ensures that you address the concerns of your target (you), tell them what you can bring to them (us), and then what you can do together (you+us).
Method sheet - How to make effective use of the mailing?
- I develop value-added content that is consistent with my target audience.
- I encourage concrete action by scheduling a series of emails or a sales tunnel.
- I communicate regularly to be present when my interlocutor needs a partner for his project.
- I avoid wearing out my base and pushing my interlocutors to "blacklist" me.