C1. Analyze the complex situations experienced by employees by comparing the resources, strengths and positive elements of their environment with the stress factors, uncertainties and weaknesses, while taking into account their profiles and needs, in order to identify the causes to be addressed and the areas on which to build solutions.
C2. Identify solutions to manage and overcome complex situations, drawing on all strengths and talents, demonstrating emotional and situational intelligence, integrating employees' disability situations, and even questioning existing processes with a view to improving them.
C3. Provide leadership and support in implementing solutions to complex situations, using assertive communication techniques to reassure and convince employees to commit to new ways of working.
C4. Defuse conflict situations linked to the uncertainties inherent in complex situations, between employees and with an employee, in order to maintain or recover a feeling of well-being at work and an atmosphere conducive to the development of the company's projects.
E1. Type of evaluation : Practical case study on the management of complex situations with submission of a written analysis report.
Candidate's task: The candidate is given a case study in which a company is described in a difficult context with a crisis situation (economic, social, health...). From the different elements given, the candidate is asked to analyze the situation through a SWOT analysis.
E2. Type of evaluation : Practical case study on the management of complex situations with submission of a written analysis report.
Candidates are asked to describe and propose concrete solutions to be implemented in order to solve the problem, based on the case given in E1.
E3. Type of evaluation : Practical case study on the accompaniment of the collaborators of a company in the implementation of solutions as well as on the management of potentially conflictual situations with submission of a written analysis report.
Candidate's task: The candidate will be given a practical case study. From these elements, he/she must describe and explain the managerial style to be used as well as the approach to be followed for the support of the employees.
E4. Type of evaluation : Practical case study on the accompaniment of the collaborators of a company in the implementation of solutions as well as on the management of potentially conflictual situations with submission of a written analysis report.
Achievement required of the candidate: The candidate is asked, based on the case given in E3, to explain the posture to adopt as well as the techniques to use in order not to transform a complex situation into a conflictual one.
Cr1.1. The SWOT analysis carried out by the candidate allows to clearly identify all the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the situation presented in the case study.
Cr1.2. The analysis carried out takes into account all the useful information present in the case study, in particular
-The resources present,
-The environment of the situation,
-The profiles and needs of the stakeholders,
Cr2.1. The coaching approach allows to engage the employees in the implementation of solutions in order to overcome the complex situations experienced and to regain the continuity of their activities in all serenity.
Cr2.2. The proposed approach takes into account the different profiles, needs and behaviors of the employees.
Cr3.1. The candidate takes into account the importance given to the interlocutor in the proposed managerial style
Cr3.2. The candidate proposes to use assertive, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques adapted to the context of the situation
Cr4.1. The candidate proposes to use an optimal conflict resolution methodology.
Cr4.2. The proposed management approach allows new ideas to emerge in order to defuse complex situations.
In this book, with a preface by Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of the Edenred group, you will find numerous illustrations and practical information sheets drawn from the concrete experience of specialists who have successfully developed their prospect portfolio.
You will also learn how to make yourself happy by developing new contacts at all levels in organizations.
How to target key contacts in your prospects? How to approach them? Through which channel? How do you stand out? What creative solutions should you use? How to interest your interlocutors in your subjects ? Which marketing to set up on the web ?
Here you will find answers to all these key questions to develop your business or practice as well as methodological elements for immediate implementation.