BtoB Sales
Numerous profiles with no sales training are increasingly in demand to develop the company's business, including consultants in consultancy firms or experts in companies offering products or technical solutions.
This certified training course provides skills such as developing a prospecting pitch and the ability to manage prospects, detecting customer needs and conducting a sales meeting to close a deal on their products and services. It also covers the keys to integrating this sales approach into your day-to-day work, thanks to a follow-up process and appropriate time management.
Topics covered :
- The importance of the salesperson
-Successful prospecting
-Successful customer meetings
-Maintaining customer relations
-Using digital tools
- Successfulnegotiation
-Dealing with difficult situations
-Developing your offer and marketing
-Adapting to the customer's personality
The course is composed of videos of good practices andillustrations via short and synthetic scenarios (good / bad practice).
We'll support you every step of the way, with a presentation of the platform and answers to your questions. You'll also benefit from personalized support from an expert trainer and sales representative, with practical exercises based on situations you may encounter.
The content of the individual sessions is defined with you to best meet your needs.
Develop new contacts
Soak up the best prospecting techniques used by major groups. In the digital age, save time by using social networks while maintaining your real networks.
Become your customers' trusted partner
You'll learn how to use the latest influence techniques to enhance your sales talks. Learn how to maintain a relationship of trust over the long term, and keep your customers for life.
Increase your sales
Get results with our expert techniques. Optimize your time, develop your networks, increase your customer meetings and boost your sales.
- Write a prospecting and sales pitch including the technical characteristics of the B to B offer, highlighting its competitive advantages as well as the benefits brought to the customer in order to structure the exchanges and make them more effective in terms of the messages transmitted.
- Develop and manage the flow of contacts acquired through the use of different communication channels (digital or not) as well as direct prospecting methods according to the typology of the targeted public in order to optimize the transformation of the status of simple contact into interested prospect.
- Carry out a "diagnostic" approach to customers, asking them about their needs and objectives, making sure that all useful information has been passed on and shared, and presenting our offer through our technical and commercial supports to encourage them to go further.
- Conduct the sales meeting with the customer, by arguing, by dealing with misunderstandings, questions and objections with pedagogy and conviction, by providing the technical explanations necessary for the customer's need for knowledge in order to make a decision, and by negotiating a few acceptable technical adjustments in response to needs formulated in all finality in order to create value in the final offer
- Conclude the sale, by creating confidence through his contribution as an expert in the subject, his professional legitimacy and by being a guarantor of the reality of the offer, in order to reassure and comfort the customer in his choice and decision.
- Structure a process for monitoring B-to-B sales by integrating tasks, tools and alerts to be implemented in order to verify the concordance of activities between production and customer relations departments, so that the promise is kept to the end.
Average participant rating over the past 5 years (NPS = Net Promoter Score):
- Very positive rating (Very Good-Excellent / >4/5): 85%.
- NPS: 38
Validated skills
The course leads to certification:
The "BtoB Sales" certification (RS6241) is aimed at people in non-sales roles (consultants, experts, engineers...), who are required to take responsibility for selling their own offers and solutions to prospects and customers.
It validates commercial and negotiation skills in the context of selling to companies: prospecting for new customers, sales talks, organizing one's commercial activity and selling to major accounts for a non-commercial audience. It also includes a remote sales dimension through the use of social selling and new communication tools.
This certification was registered in the Répertoire Spécifique by our organization (Inéa Conseil) on 25-01-2023, with an expiry date of 25/01/2023.
Assessment methods:
Professional role-play, based on the case of a trade expert who needs to find customers and manage his sales activities independently. The case study will be presented in the form of a written report and a recorded case study (coefficient 2).
Written test on theoretical knowledge of B2B sales (coefficient 1).
More information on the certification here: France Compétences
Certification admission rate :
Overall certification rate (passes/applicants): 91%.
Rate of files sent for catch-up (catch-up/candidates): 9%.
Inéa certification rate (Inéa admitted/Inéa candidates): 90%.
This certification cannot be partially validated.
Target audience and pre-requisites: this certification course is intended for people who have a non-sales function in a company (consultants, experts, engineers, etc.), and who are required to take responsibility for selling their offers and solutions to prospects and customers.
Prerequisite: 2 years of professional experience
An interview will be conducted with one of our consultants when you register to ensure that the training is adapted to your needs.
Our clients testify
Listen to our podcasts now
Explore the needs
Key phase of the appointment. Ask questions to analyze needs.
Identify the best targets
Identify the best targets to make targeting more effective. Discover the example of facebook, and the identification of targets.
Inéa Conseil
Discover the missions and methods of Inéa Conseil
our online training platform
Accessibility for people with disabilities: online or face-to-face PMR-accessible program. Give us a call so that we can guide you according to your disability.
Olivier Jacob, disability consultant: 0147203146 - contact@ineaconseil.fr
Learn in a fun way with film clips
Helping your partner find his or her potential for success - The Legend of Bagger Vance
Lesson on "finding your authentic swing" and presentation of the coach plus 2nd excerpt, on the Field: coaching
Making a good sales pitch Tin Men
This comedy is inevitably close to caricature. Obviously, it does not lack scenes where we see our salesmen in action. The one that follows can give ideas to develop original and effective hooks.