Employee recruitment interviews

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Successful recruitment and integration of employees

The course leads to the "Recruiting and integrating your employees (CP-FFP)" certification, which aims to enable you to acquire the fundamentals of recruitment: selecting recruitment criteria, writing and publishing the advert, using various recruitment channels, preparing for the interview, assessing the candidate, convincing the candidate to join you, monitoring the process and integrating your employee.


Topics covered :

- Structuring the recruitment process

- Identify current and future business needs

- Define the position and the profile of the desired candidate

- Identify and use recruitment channels

- Selecting and making hiring decisions

- Identify appropriate valuation methods

- Successful employee integration

The course is composed of videos of good practices andillustrations via short and synthetic scenarios (good / bad practice).

We'll support you every step of the way, with a presentation of the platform, answers to your questions, and personalized coaching from an expert trainer (practical exercises based on situations you may encounter).

The content of the individual sessions is defined with you to best meet your needs.


On completion of this course, you will be able to :

Successful recruitment: You'll be able to master every stage of the recruitment process, so you can recruit the most suitable candidates.

Integrating and retaining your employees: To effectively mobilize your teams and improve their motivation and performance.


  • Define the recruitment criteria according to the needs of the company, the missions and the job and develop a structured decision grid in order to target the candidates' skills.
  • Distribute an engaging recruitment offer on various recruitment channels to attract the right profiles using digital tools.
  • Conduct a warm and structured recruitment interview to bring out the candidate's potential, in order to select a candidate suited to the position, in compliance with the rules of non-discrimination and inclusion.
  • Present the strengths of the company and the position in a convincing way to encourage the candidate to join the company.
  • Integrate the employee into the team by creating dedicated moments to motivate them and create a favorable work atmosphere.
  • Welcoming and supporting employees with disabilities by implementing the necessary accommodations and working conditions to promote integration and performance.

Average participant rating over the past 5 years (NPS = Net Promoter Score) :

  • Very positive rating (Very Good-Excellent): 88%.
  • NPS: 52


Validated skills


This course leads to the "Recruiting and integrating your employees (CP-FFP)" certification (RS6168), which is designed to enable you to acquire the fundamentals of recruitment: selecting recruitment criteria, writing and publishing the advertisement, using various recruitment channels, preparing the interview, evaluating the candidate, convincing the candidate to join you, monitoring the process and integrating your employee.

This certification was registered in the Répertoire Spécifique by our organization (Inéa Conseil) on 11/23/2022 and its expiry date is 11/25/2025.

Assessment methods:

E1: Practical case study on a recruitment project.

E2: Oral situation during a recruitment simulation

E3: Case study on integrating a new employee into the company

Find out more about certification here : France Compétences

Certification admission rate :
Overall certification rate (admitted/candidates): 100%.
Rate of files sent for catch-up (catch-up/candidates): 0%.
Inéa certification rate (Inéa admitted/Inéa candidates): 100%.

This certification cannot be partially validated.


Target audience and prerequisites: this certification course is aimed at managers and operational staff involved in recruiting and integrating new employees, who wish to certify their skills in this field.

How to access: an interview will be conducted with one of our consultants when you register to ensure that the training is adapted to your needs.

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Integrating a new employee

Accompany the integration of a collaborator by structuring the steps.

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Accessibility for people with disabilities: online or face-to-face PMR-accessible program. Give us a call so that we can guide you according to your disability.

Olivier Jacob, disability consultant: 0147203146 - contact@ineaconseil.fr

Learn in a fun way with film clips

Unite your team: Hoosiers

The coach gathers his team in the locker room and tries to mobilize them towards team spirit. He does not hesitate to lose so that the team values are respected

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You are an expert operating in professional services and you do not feel comfortable prospecting for new clients.

In this book, with a preface by Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of the Edenred group, you will find numerous illustrations and practical information sheets drawn from the concrete experience of specialists who have successfully developed their prospect portfolio.

You will also learn how to make yourself happy by developing new contacts at all levels in organizations.

How to target key contacts in your prospects? How to approach them? Through which channel? How do you stand out? What creative solutions should you use? How to interest your interlocutors in your subjects ? Which marketing to set up on the web ?

Here you will find answers to all these key questions to develop your business or practice as well as methodological elements for immediate implementation.

Kindle price: €9.99
Paperback price: €19.50

No. of pages: 188
Author: Olivier Jacob
Preface: Bertrand Dumazy