Training to become a Manager Coach

Introduction and definition of a leader coach

Managers add value to their companies by motivating their teams to achieve their vision. In particular, this involves developing their capacity for influence and charisma, in order to engage their teams in action. For the manager-coach, it's a question of setting objectives and monitoring their achievement, while supporting the employee so that he or she is able to express his or her full potential in the service of the team. In short, the manager-coach provides the impetus needed to developcollective intelligence.

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manager coach training

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What is the training content?

Discover our "Manager Coach" training course to identify and integrate the posture of Manager Coach into your day-to-day work on the one hand, and to adapt your communication strategy on the other. The "Manager Coach" training program focuses on 7 areas:  

  • Overcoming the paradox of the "resource" manager to help teams find their own solutions and move towards autonomy
  • Applying situational management
  • Using the DISC© model to build effective communication and management strategies
  • Framing support in coaching mode
  • Applying feedback techniques
  • Using meta-communication to facilitate alliances with and between employees
  • Identify team-building processes

Each module and session of this training course is designed to equip you with the tools and techniques you need to excel in your role as Manager. Inéa Conseil offers tailor-made sessions to meet your specific needs.  


At the end of this training course , you will be able to :

  • Identifying the different facets of the Manager Coach
  • Adopt the right postures to meet your objectives
  • Adopting situational management
  • Building appropriate communication strategies
  • Developing the "winning spirit
  • Helping employees develop their potential
  • Mobilize your teams and collaborators

Training dates and locations

Our Devenir Manager Coach training sessions are available all year round, face-to-face in Paris and in all regions thanks to our network of expert trainers and coaches, in hybrid and even 100% distance learning. We provide all the resources needed to ensure an optimal, high-quality learning experience. Depending on the support formula, we offer a range of resources, including video courses from certified trainer-coaches, physical interventions to support your teams, and even personalized coaching sessions with an expert coach.

Contact us for upcoming training dates and locations near you. 


Why choose Inéa Conseil?

Inéa Conseil is a training training organization recognized for its expertise in management and skills development. Since 2008, we have trained over than 2 000 people a year, including employees of major companies and private individuals. Our innovative teaching methods, including video learning and filmed scenarios, guarantee an enriching and effective learning experience.


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In short, Inéa Conseil is :

  • 16 years of experience : Discover our history
  • Field studies and case studies
  • Performance improvement workshops
  • Individual, results-oriented coaching, with a review and ongoing support.
  • Innovative teaching tools
  • My Coach" mobile learning application
  • Certifying e-learning sessions for distance learning at your own pace
  • Experienced trainers and management leaders
  • Face-to-face training in Paris and throughout France

Who should attend?

The Becoming a Manager Coach certification course is designed for professionals with managerial responsibilities, as well as team managers. No prerequisites required.

The course is open to all. The disability advisor can help you adapt the course to your needs.


The skills you will acquire

During this training course to become a Coach Manager, you will learn to : 

  • Adopt a leadership and coaching posture
  • Developing your team's potential
  • Trusting yourself and others
  • Managing your emotions and those of your colleagues
  • Engaging and mobilizing your team
  • Setting and monitoring clear, precise objectives
  • Managing a team effectively
  • Motivating and encouraging your group
  • Adapting management to the situation
  • Conducting and leading general meetings
  • Managing individual interviews and feedback techniques

Get certified

At the end of the Devenir Manager Coach training course, you will receive Inéa Conseil certification.

If you're looking for state-recognized certification, we suggest you take the "Managing performance in a context of change" course. It can be adapted and modified to suit your specific needs. This training leads to a certification registered in the Répertoire Spécifique (RS6238) by our organization on 25-01-2023, with an expiry date of 25/01/2025.

To find out about possible combinations and benefit from tailor-made career development, please contact one of our training consultants.

Our formulas

At Inéa Conseil, there are 4 formulas described below, and we also develop customized programs according to your needs and budget. The formulas include coaching with an expert, as well as training modules that can be followed face-to-face, on a hybrid basis or completely remotely:

Impulse Pack : 1,150 € offering 1 coaching session and 20 hours of training
Pack Décollage: €1,950 offering 3 to 5 coaching sessions and 30 hours of training
Pack Décollage+: €2,950 offering 6 to 8 coaching sessions and 40 hours of training
Propulsion Pack: €4,400 offering 12 to 14 coaching sessions and 40 hours of training.

For companies wishing to train their managers in the Manager Coach posture, we can develop a tailor-made offer. Please contact one of our training consultants to discuss your training project.


How can I finance my training?

We offer several financing solutions:

  • Personal training account (CPF)
  • Skills Operators (OPCO)
  • France Travail 
  • Your company's skills development plan

You can simulate your financing by contacting us via our dedicated page, where a contact form is at your disposal.

Our satisfaction rate


training with very high satisfaction and success rates We are recognized by the industry and regarded as indispensable by our customers. This is reflected in our satisfaction rate, which exceeds 95%.

For this training course, our assessment rate is very positive (very good / excellent) at 93%.
Our Net Promoter Score was 88.

Our customers trust us. So why shouldn't you?

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Our advice

The manager coach: a challenge for companies

The Manager integrates a coaching dimension that allows each individual to feel in their place, to understand their role and to develop their own skills. In this respect, while Professor S. Manikutty of the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad explains in " Managers as a Trainer, a Coach and a Mentor " that the training of Managers must take place in the field, he admits that most Managers do not have the time, energy or incentives to develop the talent of their young Managers. Indeed, developing the posture of Manager Coach does not come naturally. That's why it 's essential to train Managers so that they are ready and equipped to lead their teams not simply as Executives, but as Coaches, with the tools and pedagogical techniques that enable real professional development of employees in their leadership and communication skills. This requires an apprenticeship that Inéa Conseil offers with its "Manager Coach" training program. Inéa Conseil is therefore positioned as a privileged, quality partner to support you in this training, so that you can continue to build resilient, high-performance teams and organizations on a human level.

Why become a Manager Coach?

In the past, the manager was the one who controlled, ordered, framed and even reframed his colleagues. However, the metamorphosis of corporate hierarchical structures also calls for a new managerial approach. Indeed, the project mode requires the development of new, more advanced skills to guarantee quality work throughout the project. The traditional manager must give way to the manager-coach. The "Manager Coach" training course enables tomorrow's manager to support employees in developing their own autonomy and individual responsibility. The role of the Manager Coach is to guide his team towards the adoption of effective and efficient practices over the medium and long term. He must be a pedagogue, clear, precise, a good listener, capable of empowering and delegating, and endowed with both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. The "Manager Coach" training course is designed to help participants develop these skills and develop practical, performance-oriented leadership.


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Accessibility for people with disabilities: online or face-to-face PMR-accessible program. Give us a call so that we can guide you according to your disability.

Olivier Jacob, disability consultant: 0147203146 -

Learn in a fun way with film clips

Unite your team: Hoosiers

The coach gathers his team in the locker room and tries to mobilize them towards team spirit. He does not hesitate to lose so that the team values are respected

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