Persistence to get an appointment - Wall Street

Distributor :20th century fox

Year of creation : 1985

Director: Oliver Stone

Main actors : Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen

Summary of the film:

Bud Fox(Charlie Sheen) is a stockbroker on Wall Street. He's got big teeth and dreams of reaching the top as quickly as possible. Through perseverance, he manages to convince Gordon Gekko(Michael Douglas), the most prominent investor of the moment, to take him under his wing. It's the beginning of the dream...and of disillusionment.

Getting past the assistant's roadblock: one of the first hurdles anyone faces when trying to prospect! In this first excerpt, Bud is confronted with it and brilliantly demonstrates how to get around the obstacle!

Start: 13'00

End: 14'10

Length of the extract: 70s

Bud Foxx finally manages to get an appointment with Mr. Gekko.

Facilitation Questions:

How does Bud finally get an appointment?

What did he use?

"the surprise".

What quality does Gordon Gekko recognize in Bud?

How is this a fundamental quality for a salesman or businessman?

These are the last words of the sequence, which sum up the point of projecting it during business performance improvement training. Here, we see Bud (Charlie Sheen) bring other strengths to bear on this predominant quality, including ingenuity, panache and patience.

It is a ringing alarm clock that opens the sequence. Close-up on the plan of Bud's day. An information is framed: it is the birthday of Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas). Bud had taken care to note the information which appeared in a magazine dedicated to the Golden Boy. Bud Foxx knows it, it is perhaps the moment to seize his chance...and to show some nerve.

With a determined step, he goes to the investor's building. He manages to get into the office of the executive assistant by using trickery: at the reception desk he pretends to be a courier who needs a signature to deliver a package.

It is certainly in front of the assistant that the effect of surprise is the strongest. He arrives and says to her "Hello Nathalie", in the same way as he does every day. He does not hesitate to repeat his daily joke: "Do you recognize the voice? The man you want to marry". He then uses flattery before coming to the reason for his presence: the package! Or more exactly a present that he wants to give to Mr. Gekko for his birthday. It is about Mr. Gekko's favorite cigars, another information that Bud had carefully collected and noted...for all purposes! The attempt is all the more remarkable since the famous cigars are a rare commodity in New York! Faced with so much perseverance, Nathalie has no other choice but to capitulate. She therefore undertakes to intervene on Bud's behalf with his boss.

When she comes out of the office, Nathalie's look makes him understand that he is finally reaching the goal. However, she tells him that he will have to wait! A last test without doubt. After a few hours, Mr. Gekko agrees to receive him for five minutes.

He obviously knows who he is and even knows how long he has been calling every day. Exactly 59 days: the investor can only applaud the young broker's persistence. It is indeed an excellent way to stand out!

You are an expert operating in professional services and you do not feel comfortable prospecting for new clients.

In this book, with a preface by Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of the Edenred group, you will find numerous illustrations and practical information sheets drawn from the concrete experience of specialists who have successfully developed their prospect portfolio.

You will also learn how to make yourself happy by developing new contacts at all levels in organizations.

How to target key contacts in your prospects? How to approach them? Through which channel? How do you stand out? What creative solutions should you use? How to interest your interlocutors in your subjects ? Which marketing to set up on the web ?

Here you will find answers to all these key questions to develop your business or practice as well as methodological elements for immediate implementation.

Kindle price: €9.99
Paperback price: €19.50

No. of pages: 188
Author: Olivier Jacob
Preface: Bertrand Dumazy