Unite your team: Hoosiers
The coach gathers his team in the locker room and tries to mobilize them towards team spirit. He does not hesitate to lose so that the team values are respected
Argumentation- Remotivation - Sunday Hell
Three excerpts are particularly noteworthy because each corresponds to a training promise. The three sequences in question therefore illustrate the following themes: team mobilization, management of divas, and encouraging team spirit before an important match.
A no is never final: 1492
From a business performance perspective, it is the beginning of the film that catches the eye, especially the scenes where Columbus sells his project to the various members of the government.
The circle of missing poets
In this strict era where conformity reigns over education, John Keating will come up against the different rules imposed by the administration. However, some students will, thanks to the now famous "Carpe Diem", be able to realize themselves, to take charge of their lives and to approach their dreams. But dreams sometimes lead to disaster...
Helping your partner find his or her potential for success - The Legend of Bagger Vance
Lesson on "finding your authentic swing" and presentation of the coach plus 2nd excerpt, on the Field: coaching
Making a good sales pitch Tin Men
This comedy is inevitably close to caricature. Obviously, it does not lack scenes where we see our salesmen in action. The one that follows can give ideas to develop original and effective hooks.
Successfully greeting customers in a boutique : Riens du Tout
An old-fashioned and unwelcoming department store, where the staff works in a dilettante way, the Grandes Galeries is not doing well. Hence the decision of the managers to appoint a new CEO, whose mission will be to bring the store out of its slump, failing which it will be closed. Modern management methods and staff motivation are on the dashing director's agenda.
Persistence to get an appointment - Wall Street
Getting past the assistant's roadblock: one of the first hurdles anyone faces when trying to prospect! In this first excerpt, Bud is confronted with it and brilliantly demonstrates how to get around the obstacle!