Case studies


Training in the facilitation of virtual classes

Our actions


Project meetings to support the launch


Advice on the development of materials


Facilitation of a "Training of Trainers" session for the team


Concrete results for the SNCF

Training of sustainable development teams and training in the animation of virtual classes in order to be able to duplicate the project internally.

See more case studies

Successful public speaking in a business context

Development of business culture at all levels

Pearl - Successful recruitment in the Rocher Group

Developing a luxury posture within Lagardère Paris Racing

You are an expert operating in professional services and you do not feel comfortable prospecting for new clients.

In this book, with a preface by Bertrand Dumazy, CEO of the Edenred group, you will find numerous illustrations and practical information sheets drawn from the concrete experience of specialists who have successfully developed their prospect portfolio.

You will also learn how to make yourself happy by developing new contacts at all levels in organizations.

How to target key contacts in your prospects? How to approach them? Through which channel? How do you stand out? What creative solutions should you use? How to interest your interlocutors in your subjects ? Which marketing to set up on the web ?

Here you will find answers to all these key questions to develop your business or practice as well as methodological elements for immediate implementation.

Kindle price: €9.99
Paperback price: €19.50

No. of pages: 188
Author: Olivier Jacob
Preface: Bertrand Dumazy